5 Videos to Improve Your Networking Skills in the New Year

Videos to improve your networking

Is your New Year’s resolution to improve your networking skills? These 5 videos will help you establish lasting connections and get the most out of networking events.

How to Introduce Yourself Quickly

At networking events, you often have to introduce yourself in 10 seconds or less.This might sound easy, but many people stumble over this short introduction.  This video offers some good tips that will enable you to leave a great impression quickly. Watch Now

How to Start a Conversation

Nobody likes uncomfortable moments, especially at a networking event. Here are a few tips to kickstart a conversation and avoid uncomfortable silences with those you meet. Watch Now

7 Tips for Effective Networking

Networking goes far beyond just meeting people. Effective networking means establishing meaningful relationships with potential clients. Here are seven helpful tips that will help you after the initial meeting. Watch Now

10 Great Questions to Ask at Networking Events

Getting people to open up to you is a great first step to networking with them, but to make a stronger connection you need to keep them talking. Here are 10 questions to ask that will help you establish meaningful connections with those you meet. Watch Now

How to Make a Great First Impression

Did you know that people remember the way that you made them feel instead of the words that you actually said? To make a great first impression, it’s important to prepare yourself with positive thoughts before you even meet your first connection. In this video, you will learn how to do just that. Watch Now

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