Get Your Content Noticed with These Tips!

In our last blog post we shared four tips for optimizing images for SEO.  This week we are sharing four more techniques to help you get your content noticed.

1. Include captions

Image captions – the words directly beneath images – may not have a direct impact on SEO, but, unlike file names and alt text, captions are visible on a website page. For this reason, they keep the user engaged with your content.

2. Use unique images

Using stock photos is fine, but they won’t necessarily help your search rankings, as other websites often use the same images. In the same way that unique written content is better for SEO, it’s a good idea to upload unique images whenever possible.

3. Ensure that your text complements the images

The copy on the page can help search engines determine the relevancy of your images. If it doesn’t include enough information to explain an image, add more relevant text, and describe the image if possible.

4. Add image structured data

Adding structured data to your pages helps search engines display your images as rich results.
If you’re struggling to get your content noticed, keep these strategies in mind before you upload any image. These image optimization techniques will improve the likability of your content by both search engines and human users.

(Source – Content Marketing Institute)

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