Build an Engaging LinkedIn Profile

Build an Engaging LinkedIn Profile

Though not the largest social media platform – that distinction goes to Facebook – LinkedIn has a significant online presence, with 756+ million members worldwide in over 200+ countries. Known as the “professionals’ social networking site,” LinkedIn offers many opportunities to grow your network – and your business as well. In this blog series we will share 11 tips to help you build or improve your presence on this platform!

Prepare in advance

“It’s important your profile states clearly your role for each organization. What are your accomplishments and what impact did you have?” says Rama Kotti, an India-based chemicals industry consultant. To answer these questions effectively, he advises gathering your resumé and licenses, certifications, awards, and publication details before sitting down to complete your profile.

Use professional images

Members with professional head shots receive up to 21 times more profile views, says LinkedIn. Use a photo appropriate for your industry and target audience. Your photo should have a neutral backdrop and be free of distractions or other people. You can also upload a second photo to replace the bland placeholder background.

Write a distinctive headline

Potential clients and other members will scan your headline to get a better sense of your expertise and reputation. Place key accomplishments and professional certifications in this section, which is directly under your profile photo. Add keywords, descriptors, and deliverables as space allows.

Keep your contact details current

If your email or phone number are outdated, others will not be able to contact you as easily. Review this section periodically to ensure it remains up-to-date. Don’t forget to add your country, zip code, and industry, as these are important factors in LinkedIn’s search algorithm.

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