Enhance the Customer Journey with Social Media

In our last blog post we shared the first 3 stages of the customer journey and ways to incorporate social media. Yes, it really is possible to do it without resorting to sales-y posts or spammy messages! Here are the next 4 stages of the customer journey and tips for tackling them.


This is where you make your first offer to prospects. In the try phase, you reveal your offer and present content designed to move them towards a decision.Posts and ads with targeted calls to action are the way to go here!


Once you’ve gotten your prospects to take advantage of your trial offer, and you’ve dazzled them with a peek at your killer product or service, they’ll be ready to take the plunge and make their first real purchase.Social media can help coax them towards this conversion. Step up your customer engagement here.


Once you’ve convinced your prospect to become a first-time customer, you have to continue to delight them! Maintain your outreach efforts whenever customers engage on your social media page. If you get private messages from customers through social media, make it a priority to respond quickly.


The final step in the customer journey is to win referrals. Social media comes in handy here because it’s an inherently—well, social—place!

If you want to get people talking about your brand with their friends, create content that is shareable.

Social media is as much a part of guiding the customer journey as any other marketing tactic. We hope that you enjoyed these tips and put some of them into practice with your social media!

(Source: Duct Tape Marketing)

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