I’ll Have the Special with a Side of Facebook Please

by Christian DeGobbi, PCM

I’ll Have the Special with a Side of Facebook Please
Simple tips for integrating Facebook in your company’s marketing

For businesses both large and small, integrating Facebook effectively into your marketing activities not only makes a lot of sense but can change the way your clients and prospects view your company.

Having a Facebook page for your business today is great, but not enough.  A savvy company knows how to promote their social media presence and weave it into their existing marketing efforts.  When done in a smart and successful way, your target market will view your company as one that is “with-it”, interactive, and encourages, values and desires feedback.  Unfortunately, not too many companies are doing this well… if at all.

Here are just a few simple ways your company can start integrating Facebook with the rest of your marketing:

  • Most Web sites have a top menu bar on their homepage calling out “Services”, “About Us”, “Resource Center”, “Contact Us”, etc.  Include “Facebook Page” in this menu bar.  You’re sure to drive more of your Web site visitors to your page, compared to just having the obligatory Facebook logo buried somewhere on your home page.
  • Make it a company standard for all key executives and sales team members to have a link to the Facebook page in their e-mail e-signature line.  A brief comment right on top or below the link can inform the viewer of a new Facebook posting, video or feature.
  • If you run print ads, drive readers to your Facebook page through a “teaser” ad.  You can do this in many creative ways.  For example, ask a really compelling question in the main header of the ad – a question your target would really want to know the answer to – and direct them to your Facebook page for the answer.  Or, if you are running a special, provide the reader with just a hint of information.  Let them know they can read the rest of details at your Facebook page.
  • Include your Facebook URL on all marketing materials from business cards and brochures to event booths and promo items.
  • People, in general, enjoy participating in polls that interest them and seeing the results when they click “Submit.”  I know I do!  Start posting a weekly poll on your Facebook page that interests your base (on the same day/time so your visitors know a new poll will be posted every Tuesday at 9:00am).  Not only are you providing interaction and information to your fans, as well as gathering super insights, but it’s a great way to start a dialogue directly with your fans.
  • Videos are a huge draw for any online site, especially Facebook.  If you have a interesting and informative video posted, the next time you send an e-mail campaign, include a link with a brief description of the video in the body of the e-mail.

These are just a few ways you can start promoting your Facebook presence, while enhancing the way clients and prospects view your company.
I would love to hear what you’re doing to integrate Facebook in with the rest of your marketing activities! Who’s first?

Christian DeGobbi, PCM is currently the Marketing Manager, Americas for Dow Jones Indexes. He recently earned his Professional Certified Marketer designation from the American Marketing Association, of which he’s an active member. Christian has 15 years experience at top NYC advertising agencies and B2B client side marketing.
Photo credit: http://flic.kr/p/247omf photo by eston

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