Marketing Strategy Part 3: Evaluate your online presence

Total Online Presence audit

You’ve evaluated how your competition is showing up online, but how does your online presence stack up? Digital and online marketing tactics are a necessary part of your marketing strategy.

Your online presence begins with your website—your digital marketing hub. It is crucial that your business website comes up as a hit when prospective buyers are searching for your products or services.

Optimize your site for the keywords and keyphrases your audience is using. This will also tell Google that your website is relevant to their search and help it get found online. 

Include well-crafted metadata—unique page title tags and page descriptions—that support your keyword strategy.

– Do your visitors see themselves and solutions to their pain points in your website content? If not, you’ll need to write better, focused content.

– Are your trust factors in place? Include testimonials, case studies, professional badges and associations, and achievements.

Mobile-first search is becoming more frequent, so your website MUST be mobile-friendly as well. 

– Implement an SSL certificate to assure users the website is safe to visit (the “s” in https indicates the certificate is in place).

– Users also expect fast website load times and will go elsewhere if your site loads slowly. Include a clear call to action to lead users further down the buyer’s journey (for example, Contact Us, Buy Now, See Our Offer, etc.).

Don’t forget to assess your social media accounts and the level and frequency of activity on the platforms. Social media is an important channel for building trust and relationships with your audience. Make sure you are “being social” where your buyers are. Your prospects are checking you out there just as much as they are when they find your website.

Other online channels include your Google Business Profile, reviews, and certain online directories, which also provide credibility and build trust among prospects.

Ready to improve your online presence but don’t have the time? Learn more about our done-for-you Total Online Presence Audit.

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