Now that you have your marketing strategy in place, it’s time to implement it. However, looking at that marketing road map can feel overwhelming. We suggest breaking it down into digestible pieces—and sometimes, that means doing some of the lighter lifting first. Prioritizing your marketing milestones—what you plan to achieve—will help guide you.
Write out all the tasks you’ll be undertaking—from website revisions to content marketing topics.
Be detailed about each “assignment” as some of them will require multiple steps (such as research, then content creation, then content uploads).
Create a milestone calendar of when you will be checking off each tactic (the activities that work together to complete the strategy). Establishing reasonable deadlines for your marketing tactics will help you stay on track.
Review your progress and your KPIs (key performance indicators) along the way and adjust your actions as needed.
Remember: your marketing strategy is a road map but it’s not necessary to set that in immovable asphalt! Working with a marketing consultant can help you determine the strategy that best fits your business goals as well as the tactics to deploy to achieve those goals.
If you’re stuck at your marketing plan’s “start” or need help with a course correction, you can make a pit stop with our lead consultants via our Marketing Advisor Program.