My Top 10 Content Marketing Tweets for B2Bs

Content marketing is a powerful, but often underutilized marketing tactic for B2B firms. These Twitter posts share helpful tips for putting content marketing to work for your small or mid-size business.

top content marketing tweets for B2Bs

5 Reasons Your Small Business Needs Content Marketing

Constantly clamoring to grab the attention of prospective customers, small businesses are competing with a lot of noise. To avoid getting skipped over or ignored, savvy digital marketers must craft messages that their target audience wants to see. Read More

Content Marketing Is On the Rise – But Less Than 1/2 Of B2B Marketers Think Their Strategies Are Somewhat Effective.

Though everyone agrees that “content is king,” only 2 percent of marketers believe their strategies are highly-effective, according to new research by the CMO Council. Read More

Content Marketing And Its Influence On SEO

If I want better visibility for my business and increased conversions from site traffic, which is better — content marketing or traditional SEO (search engine optimization)? The short answer is both, but they involve very different processes and technology. Read More

How to Leverage Content Marketing for Lead Nurturing

Most people think a successful content marketing strategy is one that collects a lot of leads. While that might be the case, if you can create a content marketing strategy that effectively moves leads through your sales funnel, it’s likely more valuable than the longest list of leads. Read More

The New Content Marketing: How to Create Successful Content For Today’s Audience

Successful content marketing depends upon your audience. This is just one of the first things we ever learned about marketing. The audience is what drives the success of your marketing campaign. Read More

Analysis: There’s More To Content Than Just Marketing

As the line between content and content marketing blurs, columnist Rebecca Lieb shares thoughts about what lies ahead for content professionals. Read More

6 Tips For Communicating Content Marketing ROI To Your Executive Team

Executives want to know a marketing strategy’s expected ROI before they commit money and resources to it. But content is a different animal than other marketing initiatives. Read More

When, How and Where to Promote Your Content on Social Media

Promotion is just one part of the process, but it’s a complex machine of its own. Learning when, how and where to promote on social media takes knowledge, skill and testing. Read More

Complement Your Content Marketing with Social Media

Let’s think about how social media fits into the B2B content marketing landscape.

Valuable Tools for Better Content Marketing

Make the most of your content marketing efforts and strategies by using time-saving tools. Read More

For more content marketing tips, follow me on Twitter: @LMKasprzak.

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