Customer confidence is becoming increasingly hard to earn and maintain during these uncertain times. People are losing trust in everything from social /traditional media to the businesses they know and love. They are worried about serious issues like customer privacy and security.
Add to this the global pandemic, causing customers to limit their time out of the home and interactions with other people. All of these factors combined make for a much more emotional and anxious dynamic between business and their customers. A growing body of research shows that the language businesses use in these situations can help.
Companies must take the initiative to make the most of conversations with customers, whether they are physically distanced, masked face-to-face interactions or via text based emails. By speaking to customers with specific, dedicated attention; establishing individual connections and using genuine, warm wording, business can help calm the anxiety and nurture customer confidence.
Use these 3 tips to help build customer trust and satisfaction:
1) Provide customers with dedicated attention and concrete language.
2) Bridge the trust deficit through individual connections.
3) Don’t just be competent — be caring.
It is more important than ever to give thought to how we are speaking to customers. These are uncertain times, with limited and distanced social interactions, and most conversations occur via the phone or email. Try using warm language and tone and make individual connections with customers. This can go a long way to reduce customer anxiety and build trust during these challenging times.
(Source: MIT Sloan)