Twitter’s Been Hacked. Don’t Leave Yourself at Risk

If you use social media sites, make sure you aren’t putting yourself at risk!

Twitter's Been Hacked. Don't Leave Yourself at Risk
Take these steps to protect your social media accounts

Various media sources have reported that Twitter was recently breached and login credentials for 15,000 users have been leaked.  The leaked information included user IDs and associated tokens, which are used to connect Twitter accounts to third party applications.

If you have a personal Twitter account:

  • Change your password as soon as possible.
  • Consider updating your account settings to revoke third party application access.
  • If you use the same password to access other social media sites or emails accounts, change those passwords too.
  • Use different passwords and employ a complex password, that is, one that includes letters, numbers and symbols.

Be wary of suspicious emails asking you to supply a password or other information.  It may likely be a phishing attempt.

For more about phishing and scams, read Social Media’s Dark Side.

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