New B2B Customer Engagement Strategies

New B2B Customer Engagement Strategies

The world is changing and customers may not be in a “buy now” frame of mind. Marketers need to get creative and think “out of the box,” repositioning their brands for the eventual upturn.   Over the next few weeks, we’ll share five top customer engagement strategies, and tips for how to apply them to your business and on LinkedIn.

Strategy #1 – Position for the long term

Think: “Which value propositions seem to resonate in today’s environment?”
“Can we revisit our corporate messaging and offerings to help clients emerge from the pandemic stronger?”

Revisit and highlight your mission, purpose and offerings in light of what will be most helpful to your customers.

How can you implement this in your business? 

– Conduct market research to uncover specific changes in the markets you serve

– Ask for honest feedback from customers

– Review your company’s CRM notes for common themes

How can you implement this by leveraging LinkedIn?

– Update your page

– Revisit your organizations “about us” section – what needs to change given what you’ve learned in your business research?

– Refresh the hero image banner – use new photos aligned with your new messaging

– Invest in brand awareness campaigns using organic and paid tactics

(Source: LinkedIn)

Read B2B Customer Engagement strategy #2 here.

Learn how Advantage Marketing can help you develop a strategic marketing plan with a Strategy First Engagement.

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